A Simple Advice on Dating for Men

Man Hugging His Wife On The Beach During a Lovely Sunset a good advice on dating

As a Dating Practitioner, men always share with me about their dating experiences and why their dates did not work out for them. What they failed to realize is that they have been dating the wrong way and they are making the common dating mistakes which greatly reduces their chances with a lady! Hence, we would like to offer some useful advice on dating that you can apply to up your game and turn your next date into a successful one! 

Pay attention and listen to her

Loving Asian Couple on Date

A good listening ear is the way to go as women like to be heard. However, most men usually want to impress the lady thus they tend to lead the conversation throughout the date and lay it all out for the ladylike an open book. Instead of doing that, hold back some details about yourself first and give her a chance to share about herself while you listen attentively. When you do so, you create a little sense of mystery and you are more likely to pique her interest and she will want to know more about you.

Ask questions

a neon question mark sign

Source: Emily Morter on Unsplash

Don’t overstress yourself on what to chat about on a date but it is always good to prepare a mental list of topics to talk about to prevent too much awkward silences in between. Instead of asking the usual ‘what is your hobby’ kind of questions, try to angle your questions differently. Some examples could be, ‘what is something you hope to challenge yourself and accomplish this year?’ or ‘what is one country you really love to travel to but have not been?’ Such questions are usually safe to ask and it allows you to find out about their interest and hobbies at the same time. 

Give compliments

Sincere appreciation goes a long way. As humans, we thrive on compliments as it makes us feel good. However, make sure you don’t overdo it or it may seem like sweet-nothings. A simple compliment such as ‘You look great in this outfit!’ can probably make her day.

Be sincere 

Smiling couple spending time together in the kitchen, guy chopping vegetables

A date need not be expensive dinners or flowers every time. Women simply want to be loved and showered with attention. For subsequent dates with your lady, try to whip up a homecooked meal for her. Nothing beats homecooked food handmade with love!

If you are unsure of how to whip up the most romantic homecooked food, there are plenty of wonderful recipe ideas that you may refer to online. Woman’s Day, for example, has recently published an article that offers many amazing romantic dinner ideas that you can easily whip us. 

Have Confidence in Yourself

Confidence is a natural gift that all of us have and it solely depends on how we harness this gift. No woman can deal with a nervous wreck. Furthermore, it leaves her a bad impression of you. Therefore, your best chance of succeeding at a date is to display your confidence to her. Of course, that confidence has to be genuine which brings us to the last point.

Perhaps the Best Advice on Dating is to be Genuine

Woman with hands around man's neck

Nothing beats being genuine! If you are not interested in her, don’t beat around the bush. While rejection may be a hard pill to swallow, it’s so much better than to get played or ghosted by a potential partner. After all, women appreciate honesty even when they are bound to get hurt. 


We hope that our simple advice on dating will give you enough idea as to how you should behave at a date. Here at Fabrique Love, we provide a personalized dating experience for you. You can be assured that we will be with you throughout this amazing journey. If you need more advice on dating, do reach out to us! Lastly, enjoy this dating journey as it is the sweetest phase in every budding romance!