HEART TO HEART 解读两性情感,爱情其实很简单!
Keeping the LOVE You Find…
Are you wondering why your dates aren’t working out? Is every woman an enigma or are men really more clueless than we/they seem? Ever wished you had someone to guide you through your dating and relationship journey? In this interactive and candid workshop, Yingying will present a structured framework and lead a discussion thereafter on the ways we should approach love, dating and relationships!
如今人人都渴望遇上相爱的人,体验一段甜蜜的恋爱关系。但你知道什么样的相处模式才能让俩人的关系更加稳定或更加长久呢? 我们的金牌红娘 Yingying 将与小伙伴们一起解读【新时代·爱情密码】以及两性的思维差异。不仅如此,当天她也会在线下以最真实的情感案例,分享人人都能轻松掌握的约会小技巧!尽情期待吧~
Do note: This is “no gender balance” for this workshop. This workshop will be conducted in mandarin. Feel free to ask Yingying any burning question that you may have on dating and relationship : )
What can you look forward to?
- A presentation on how we should approach relationships and the blind spots we need to avoid
- A candid discussion on common problems faced by yourself and others – it helps to hear different perspectives too!
- Commonly asked questions on date preparation and relationship management answered
- Light refreshment will be provided
Registration & Payment
- Payment can be made via Visa, Mastercard or Bank Transfer. For bank transfer, please contact [email protected].
- If withdrawal from the event is made less than 2 weeks from the event, there will be no refund
- Fabrique reserves the right not to accord the discount if the code is not keyed in.
- Full event details will be sent to you via email closer to event date.