Refuel your dating experience

Tired of futile swiping and dating ghosts?
Skip the heartache. Let us save you the monotony and disappointment of weeding out unsuitable matches

Purple pot plant illustration

Find better chemistry, form lasting connections.

Fabrique brings the fun and sincerity back into dating.

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Singpass Verified

Secure your connection with our singles with peace of mind through ID verifications.

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Join our executive member list

Meet highly eligible men and women looking for committed relationships.

phone date profile icon illustration

Matches curated by real people, not bots

Receive quality matches that complement your interests, values, and lifestyle.

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Exciting events

Mingle without awkwardness through fun activities.

hearts icon illustration

Self-discovery through dating

Some call it picky, we say power to you. Find a date you hope to meet.

hand holding Fabrique logo icon illustration

Personal Guidance

Whether it is coping with first-date jitters or finding the confidence to show off your best self, our dating experts are here every step of the way.

hearts floating illustration

Getting Started

Sign up

woman signing up to Fabrique app mobile screen illustration

Set up your profile

man and woman pointing at mobile screen with a profile illustration

Set Your Date Expectations

woman finding partner's profile amongst the love location illustration

Start dating

man and woman sitting drinking wine in front of the city window illustration
love location illustration

Ready to find your life partner? Let us introduce you.

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Fabrique Love Pte Ltd

Fabrique is a premier dating agency in Singapore

20 Lorong 23 Geylang, Singapore 388361

+65 6838 0298 

+65 9720 9815 (Events Enquiries)

Follow us @FabriqueLove